Friday, May 29, 2009

Back to work!

Free time is still quite elusive for me right now. I was dwelling on that last night in the dog yard thinking of how its such a great idea that I threw out my watch so many years ago.

And even though my mind keeps great time I still like the idea of not knowing exactly what time it is and how long the dog yard chores seems to take. Being with the dogs is something I never want to feel rushed about.

Its also been incredibly difficult to judge time by the sun, its hardly going down now. When I get back inside (usually around 11pm) its still very light outside. So much so that using any lighting is a waste of time. The thought hardly enters my mind...

Business stuff is pulling at me right and left. I have to do my inventories at the Yukon Quest Cabin fast or else get overwhelmed by the new traffic there. The bus loads started dropping outside their door and things have really picked up along with their sales.

Every year my business sees more of a financial gain but it always boggles my mind when a retail client hits what I like to call "Riverboat status". The Riverboat Discovery has been here for a long, long time and the numbers of tourists that walk through there is astounding. We have been doing business with them for a number of years and have gotten quite used to their demand. Having two 'Riverboats' at once though is a bit challenging.

But what I really wanted to share before I slide back into the final hours of work for the evening are a few dog yard views and our new idea... Puppy Pops!

We had some sour cream and cottage cheese that was just starting to turn and had been so hot (70+ during the day, ugh!) I froze these yummy treats and threw them in the bushes for the dogs to find during free time. It didn't take them long!

So between the community pool and frozen cream we have been beating back the heat rather well and welcoming the overcast skys and slight rain we have been getting these past few days...

... how many more weeks until fall?

Photo above left: A typical pose for the office dog of the day...
Boreas lays under my easel while I work

Above right: Spock enjoys a soak in the community pool with Griffin hidden behind him. Calypso takes a drink on the side.

Remus sneaks away enjoying his snack

Boreas loves tarps, I have no idea why, I'm always chasing him off my things.
Here he enjoys frozen sour cream while Juno looks on

Buns on the Run: Hermes runs with his puppy pop, keeping it away from his thieving brothers and sisters