Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hitting the Wall

Sometimes I get going so fast, have so much work and such a heavy schedule that I inevitably hit a wall. That happened today, but a two hour nap eventually put me back straight. I couldn't believe I slept for that long, or that deep but it sure was needed...

The house was a mess so James and I started our spring cleaning early and that pushed a lot of things back farther on my schedule. I will get caught up on everything in time and I hate to say it but I'm actually glad to see the snow going. We have one more tour tomorrow and another next week that may be our very last one for this season.

Once the trails are gone I will have a lot more time to be at my desk and get some of these things done and crossed off my list. Its an understatement to say the least to have some of these jobs off my shoulders. I welcome all the work and the financial gain that helps James, I and the pups live in comfort but its always nice to see these things done and our clients happily walking away with a once in a lifetime experience or the sled dog related goods they were looking for.

The foster dogs have been keeping me pretty busy as well. Brooks had another very successful visit and I think she may have a new home lined up. We should know more in a few weeks after she has her vet work up and spay.

And Sally, who is a newbie that we just picked up from the shelter already has some interest! There is another at the shelter who we are looking to pull but with Olive coming back for a few weeks stay while her new owner is out of town we are going to have our hands and dog houses full.

Polar went for a trial visit in a potential adopters home a few days ago and after a rocky start when she jumped the fence we are hoping she is settling in much better and getting to know her surroundings safely. We are holding her house open just to make sure she doesnt need to come back but even if we are full again with foster dogs we will always make room for our little Polar Bear!

The highlight of the day was our little visitors who came out with us for a dog sled ride at the beginning of our season. Their grandparents, Linda and Carl, were up for another visit and wanted to see the kennel this time. The tour was great, dogs were wonderful and Wyatt and Garret were so helpful feeding everyone.

The biggest hit was the dirt den that the dogs have been working on enlarging every year. Garret literally disappeared in the hole and it was very tough to get him away from that area, he was having such a good time. Again and again he wanted to try it out while Gaea looked on very concerned that he might get stuck. She is such a caring nanny not only to Pandora but enjoys looking after human pups as well.

The other bonus today was when Pandora headed out to the dog yard to play with the big dogs all by herself. Gaea was in charge of watching her but for the most part she was free to meet and greet everyone on her own. It was a huge relief having her out of the house for a while so we could clean but when she came back she stunk so bad I had to quickly fit in an emergency bath... her first one!

Of course I had to take a lot of pictures and even though there are so many more I have to pull off my camera and update I just had to post these now. They were far too cute to wait...

Fresh out of the tub and looking for trouble!

Our crazy baby rolling on the couch trying to get dry while Juno looks on wondering why our baby is so crazy!

Shifting position on the cough for another good rub.

Resting and ready for a nap

Snuggling in her blanket warm and drying

All dry, warm and fluffy!