Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Whirlwind of Work

I will be taking a bit of a break from this blog and other media related venues than I planed after our snow season has come to a close. During these past few weeks we were handed a very important job that requires a lot of planning and focus. I cant say much about it now since its still so early in the planning but I will certainly get you all caught up when the time comes.

For now I must keep a solid focus on the details of this project since it will mean the world to the dogs and humans working along side them...

I also have to make room for the many graphic projects that need completion along with working the details of this new project. I will make time to share these new artsy items either here or on Facebook for your enjoyment.

I thank you all in advance for your patience and am grateful to those of you who follow along with us on this amazing journey down uncharted and exciting trails. There is so much excitement to come!!