Every time I have that thought I figure I will get back to it once I'm more caught up, have my head straight or maybe the next full moon will organize everything while I sleep. No? I thought so...
Well, lets just get back into it. Its not perfect, I'm still not caught up with things but I guess I have to start again somewhere. In short, be patient with us, we all have a LOT on our plates lately, far too much to go into here but its ALL good and ALL more wonderful than many of us could have dreamed.
Never in my life did I figure I would be able to surround myself with so many people of the same dreams and visions as mine but here I am. Wow, what a trip... and its only just begun!! :)
I don't have time to let you in on all the excitement just yet but I will let it out over time as time allows. For now the most exciting thing in my personal life is a wood piece I'm working on. Never in my life have I been so completely consumed with a project. It is a fantastic feeling...
The wood for this project is diamond willow, hauled out by my dog team, carved and crafted by me (and mother nature of course) using only a pocket knife. I did incorporate a chain saw and electric sander along the way but the majority of the work was hand carved with my knife.
What will it be you may ask? Hmmm... you guessed it... its a secret!! :) :)
At least for now it will be a mystery. Its coming along quick so I should have the answer for you soon. For now enjoy the photos of this amazing and beautiful wood that grows wild along our sled dog trails.