Saturday, May 29, 2010


Downtime... what? Surely that is a mistake!

Its really an illusion... my sick days are considered downtime. Its kind of like being one of the walking dead. I'm half up and half down, good to write email but not enough to move around much. That means no yard work today but it really is good timing since its 80 degrees outside! Way too hot for working in the sun.

Good thing I have the day off from the Quest today but the dogs are a bit bummed they have to stay home. Missing out on all those biscuits! :)

Tomorrow is another day and its bound to be a busy one with up to 300 people expected! Yikes!! Better get some rest tonight...

James and Mike are still planning and being very busy. Its a sure bet those two aren't going to let one ounce of summer get by them!

Its so fun to watch them work and so fulfilling. I see things formed in their minds and around the house that I have the luxury of sitting back and enjoying. Its wonderful not to have my hand in everything and to be able to take a back seat while someone else 'drives'. I feel the same sort of freedom when we take our camping and fishing trips. Its wonderful to watch the scenery pass by and enjoy every moment without being in charge and having to watch where we are going.

Speaking of roads... next weekend is the dogs Kantishna trip. Reba and Salmon are both going again this year as well as Polar and Coyote. Two dogs from Nita's kennel are also going so it will be a nice mix up for Emmitt Peters Jr to run this year. He was wondering if Reba and Salmon will be returning so it was nice to pass along the message to expect them. Apparently they did rather well on their last trip down and I think he may have become particularly fond of those two.

Once the trip is done there will be four empty spaces in our yard and a bit of adjustment to be made. It may not seem like much to have four dogs leaving for a few months but its kind of a shock to me. I know they are in good hands since we have been leaving dogs in Emmitt's care for three years now but its still tough to see them go, even if its only for a short time. On the flip side its even more exciting to have them come home!!

Everything else continues to go very well here. The summer show is a great hit, the dogs love it and the day flys by quickly as I continue to do the things I love most, spinning my huskies hair, spending time with the dogs and being outside enjoying the summer. Even though the weather is too hot for my taste its still not too bad... how can any day be bad when I get to live in this great and wonderful state with my wonderful family, human and canine...