The trip was great today but seems to go by so quickly with these speedy puppies, or maybe its because weve had longer treks these last times out?
We will be having another one (24 miles) on Thursday to test a new start trail to Mary's cabin and finish up the rest of the season with day trips out to her place for our clients.
Both Nita and my teams could probably have gone for longer but we were getting Eli, Polar and Coyote back up to speed today. We didn't want to push them too hard especially since no one wanted to ride in the basket or gave any indication of needing to do so. It amazes me how athletic and strong these guys are even after so much time off!
Coyote did great back in the slower four dog team and Polar actually ran lead some today! I was so impressed with her and it certainly made up for the little tiff she had with Calypso when we were on the trail.
It was more of a grouchy moment from Polar than a fight but I hope to get her around all kinds of dogs who will be patient with her so she knows shes not in danger or has to be on the offensive all the time.
This was my first time out on our new sled! Its official name is the Big Blue Beast or just the Blue Beast. Did I mention how much I LOVE this sled?! Wow, its construction is truly amazing and I was thrilled to find out that it drives even better than it looks! How is that possible? Dave makes some amazing sleds (!
I just need to get a drag pad on it now and later I will be working on sewing up a sled bag that will fit. The one I'm using now is much too small for it but it is making due quite well for now.
I also need to make up new snow hook lines and a safety back up bridle for the front. My old snow hook went up to the middle of this sled and was a bit difficult to pull, but manageable. It made me laugh thinking how well it fits my other sled and what a contrast this one is in length. The photos are a bit deceiving. You really have to see it in person to get an idea of how big it really is.