The major step has been with the foster dogs and learning so much more about rehabilitation, mostly when these shy ones pass on to new homes with routines that aren't as familiar to them as my dog yard. Its an adjustment for most and the shy ones seem to be the most work for their new owners. They take a while to come around but the reward is so grand when they do.
That is the main reason why I like to work with the shy guys, they are little treasures just waiting to be found...
Through wonderful people like Carol Kleckner, Arna Dan Issacson and all the wonderful adopters who are giving these guys a new chance at life we are learning so much! We all have such brilliant knowledge to share through our experiences and its my absolute pleasure to be a part of it all!
And while Brooks ended her three week stay here to go back with her family and further her rehabilitation it was my pleasure to discover that Laya will also be a part of Brooks life as they work to form play groups with the girls and Laya's new roommate Yuri, who is also a very shy case!
It is so awesome that we are all so connected in this way. When Laya was adopted I never would have known that Laya's owners were renting a place from the couple who would later adopt Brooks and that Yuri, who Carol Kleckner has worked with for so long, would be adopted by Laya's owner who is working him through some tough shyness issues.
I just received a wonderful email about both Laya and Yuri with photos of both dogs living and loving life as contented house pets! What an absolute treat!!
I am also learning what therapy dogs can be for other dogs. The little momma dog we took in, now called Foxy, is such a wonderful little gem. She likes to relax her buddies and did wonders with Brooks while she was here. Even when we took Brooks into town to the Quest show Foxy displayed all the calming signals to encourage her to come out of her house and have some fun.
Zephyr also has been awesome therapy to both humans and animals. It is going to be my absolute pleasure to put him to work as a calming source for many of these shy and nervous animals.
There is so much to look forward to, so much still to share but the fireworks for the holidays are really kicking off and I have to turn my attention to my deadline and keep an ear out for the dogs to make sure they are holding up well through all this noise. Fortunately the 4th is only one day... here's hoping tomorrow will be quieter...