I guess cleaning my office the past two days was a monumental task worth mentioning. The dog yard has also been getting a cleaning overhaul and, thanks so much to my husband James!, we finally have a few rolls of chain link out of the way and stored in another area of our North Pole property ready to make the trip down to the Parks Highway property when the time is right to set up the future home of the Sled Dog Sanctuary.
But the whole office cleaning has been insane. So many papers and notes that I wasn't sure were important have been filed or thrown away and my mind is so much clearer now that I am able to enter a room so absent of clutter! It is amazing how our living arrangements reflect what is going on in our minds and how it can help or harm our well being.
And as every day passes I am more and more aware of the awesomeness that surrounds me and how much my hard work is paying off. Today was very hard to realize that though... today was Golden Days and along with the parade and the rubber ducky race it was nothing short of madness. I have never been in such a situation where I felt like the 'dog cop' as I directed every bite size toy dog away from the pen, not for my dogs safety but for theirs. It was so hard to keep on top of them all and so different from my regular tourist crowd who have left their young ones at home.
Now I certainly don't have anything against small dogs, Ajax is certainly a testament to that, but Ive come to realize that some people will never understand the prey drive present in most huskies. I cant possibly teach the entire world and so I took the only stand I could to protect not only other dogs, but mine as well. And for those dogs owners out there who I may have offended by turning them away, I do apologize... there was not nearly enough time, space or sanity in my day to explain my actions but I do so VERY much appreciate your willingness to walk around the front of the Quest building rather than behind it where we have the dogs set up.
I have never in my life felt I needed to be in charge of such a HUGE crowd and I give my incredible thanks to Marti, Abby, Tom and Johnny for your help today and acting as buffers to head off the dog owners before my crazy gang of ten huskies sounded off the alarm in their little pen. Thanks to those folks our day was so much more manageable, crazy but manageable!!
It was so taxing on me that I'm already dreading next years event... but I do have to remember that this is all for an excellent cause and I did make a couple really awesome connections today!
A huge thanks to my husband James for driving so much Thursday so we could meet up with a wonderful dog angel named Ericka who not only transported our shelter foster dogs Luigi and Thunder from Willow to Anchorage but all the way to the airport and down to the states where they met up with their new owners Mark and Denise. What an awesome success story for those two boys, a testament to the shelter, the shelter fund and to all our wonderful volunteers and adopters!!
At the end of the day, when my head finally crashes into the pillow, its those moments that make all this hard work so darn worth it...
And thank you so much to James L for being the 'dog wise' person in the house to make sure the pups were fed while I was gone and that all was well. We are fortunate to have many folks on hand to watch our house but not enough so reliable as James has been in working with the dogs and establishing that level of trust that allows me to leave town COMPLETELY at ease.