Thursday, February 11, 2010

Always use spellcheck

I had to repost the poll, blogger wont let me change it after someone has voted. So vote away! I shouldn't have to fix it again. I was pretty late when I created it last night...

Took run with the dogs today up some hills and back. Wasn't too long and they all worked their little butts off. I think I had about 250 to 300lbs in the sled. Heavy, heavy load but they handled it with ease and most importantly the sled did AMAZING! There was barely a creak or a groan out of it. I'm not sure how far I can push it but it feels like its asking for at least a hundred more pounds before it starts complaining, maybe even more.

Today was the first time this season that I had all 12 dogs on the line. Was a lot of power to work with but we did alright. Was negotiating the trail most of the time so I didn't get any pictures. Should have though, at least on the way back, but it was unfamiliar terrain for me and I was pretty focused on our path.

Sun was hot and high today starting to melt snow in places, especially the roads. Why is it so warm already?

If we don't get any more snow I'm really not sure how long the trails will last...