Trying to get merchandise ready for Riverboat before they open their doors for the summer. Hard to prep 2000 dollars worth of merchandise with all the other stuff Ive got going on but I am looking forward to another tourist season. Hopefully the crowds will be bigger this year and will bring us a nice revenue.
Fence is in at the Yukon Quest and just about ready for our first show on the 7th. The shelter babies are ready for visitors and there is one in particular that really needs to be held. Hes a bit shier than the rest and needs to be socialized before he gets any older. Socialization windows in pups can be short so the more attention they get the better, especially for him.
Juno and Pandora tested the fence today at the Quest and I was very impressed with how well it held up. They are pretty small dogs to be testing this but the real test will be when the big boys come to visit for the first time. We might have to make some adjustments but I'm very pleased with how it looks so far.
There is still more to prep for the outdoor show as we start to make our log dog houses, stake out lines, informational posters and other surprise giveaways that I will go into later when that part of the project is a bit more solid. For now its nice to know that the foster dogs will have a place to be and that is what the public will want to see first and foremost.
A huge thanks to James Langston for his help again today. Its so much easier to work with two than one...
And Pandora is finally getting over the bug shes been carrying around. I hope to have a full nights sleep tonight and not have to sleep on the couch like I did last night so I could let her outside quicker to avoid accidents in the house. So far shes had some good poops and has been able to hold it long enough to complete her digestion and keep the nutrients she needs. This is especially important at this time of her life when shes growing so much. Shes already as big as Juno and still has a long, long way to go before shes full grown.
Its been a bit hard to think of how busy this summer is going to be but its all for a good cause and I am so passionate about all of these programs that it should carry me through even the toughest of days. We will see, time will tell... :)
This will be the puppy pen where momma and her seven kids will spend the day. Its large enough for people to come in and visit or view the pups over the fence.